Concealed RFID Silicone Laundry Tags

Published on by nfctagfactory

RFID silicone laundry tags have been widely used in the apparel industry, mainly are storage inventory and clothing tag. Our company has developed a kind of low-cost uhf laundry tag, it is almost invisible on the garment.

The size of this kind of silicone laundry tag is about same as the typical shirt collar stay's size. It's translucent, and it's almost invisible on a thin fabric. The silicone laundry tags also provide protection against counterfeiting and fraud, and can more accurately track the rental clothing. Instead of reading the bar code one by one. This tag is a breakthrough in apparel tracking.

Fashion rental company will not need to read the bar code one by one when transport clothing or customer return. Haute Couture RFID tracking functions include confirming the authenticity of the clothes to reduce price arbitrage situation happen that customers return the goods as long as the simple retail discount price tag replacement, and request for a refund of the original.

This silicone laundry tag is suitable for permanent fixed in fashionable clothing, suits, formal clothes, jeans, shoes, handbags, and accessories can be washed, can be easily sewn into the clothes fold, seams. 

Silicone laundry tag is suitable for general household washing or dry cleaning, or ironing.

Published on silicone laundry tags

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